How to boost testosterone levels naturally?
Many of us are unaware of how our hormones affect us. Testosterone is one of those hormones that play a vital role in maintaining our fitness. It can increase our muscles and help burn body fat, as well as improve mood, libido, sleep, energy, and health in general. Here are a few things on how to boost your testosterone levels.
After knowing the magical powers of testosterone, a good question would be to ask yourself how to boost your testosterone levels.
Here are a few ways to do just that :
Eating fat is a sure way to help us in increasing our testosterone levels. It has already been proven that diets that contain a higher amount of monounsaturated and saturated fats boost testosterone. A study was done, in which a man switched from a high-fat diet to a low-fat diet (from 13 percent to 5 percent saturated fat) and experienced lower testosterone levels, and also circulating androgen levels were lowered.
Some of the healthy foods that are rich in monounsaturated fats are olive oil, peanut butter, avocados, and almonds. Foods containing saturated fats with quality are red meat, cheese, egg yolks, dark chocolate, and coconut oil.
Cholesterol plays an important role in producing testosterone. Cholesterol also helps improve lipoprotein profile and lowers insulin resistance in people with metabolic syndromes, which has tons of health issues such as hypertension, high blood glucose, and other risk factors that cause heart disease. The main foods with high cholesterol content (high in saturated fats) are egg yolks, red meats, and seafood such as crab, clams, oysters, squid, and lobsters.
Another way to improve testosterone levels is to take test-boosting ingredients such as testofen (Fenugreek Extract), zinc, d-aspartic acid (DAA), vitamin D, and diindolylmethane (DIM).
Never skip out on sleep! Not enough sleep can disrupt the production of testosterone by your body, causing fat loss and muscle growth to be reduced. Scientists have tested and concluded that testosterone levels increased the longer the healthy men they tested slept. It is recommended that we get 7–9 hours of sleep a night to optimise the level of testosterone in our bodies.
Also remember this: Longer workouts do not make it better. When you work out for long periods, in which you engage in drawn-out, lengthy workouts, and have long rest periods or too much endurance exercise, it affects your testosterone levels. Workouts that last for more than an hour can decrease testosterone. The best way to maximise the way your testosterone response is to keep short rest periods and the total time of workout not longer than 60 minutes.
Multi-Joint free-weight movements are your friend. The more muscle mass that is stimulated, the more you will secrete testosterone. A study recently conducted on trained subjects showed that squats had a greater effect on testosterone response stimulation compared to leg presses. Keep with multi-joint exercises such as bench presses, deadlifts, and squats as they are the prime examples of exercises that help boost testosterone levels.
Last, but not least, training variables that associate with greater T should be used. It has been shown that when resistance training is in play, higher-volume training programs produce the best hormonal response. Stick to exercises that stress large degrees of the muscle mass and are in the intensity level of moderate to high. Incorporating other training methods such as partials and drop sets can have a link with higher production of testosterone.